Our Services

We work for senior executives on our clients’ most important initiatives, and we maintain long-term client relationships.

Our clients include some of the largest utilities in the United States, players in the fast-changing competitive markets, climate policy organizations, and very large power users. We work for senior executives on our clients' most important initiatives, and we maintain long-term client relationships. Our role generally entails supplying intellectual leadership, producing ideas, performing associated analysis, developing strategy, supporting recommended decisions, and facilitating the process. In addition, we often represent our clients in negotiations and regulatory forums.

The following is a sampling of our practice areas:

Climate Strategy and Clean Energy Value Realization

  • On behalf of its clients, NorthBridge develops and analyzes climate policy including alternative structures for recognizing the value of clean energy resources, assists in the structuring and negotiation of comprehensive clean energy legislation, and designs and negotiates components of clean energy compensation structures.
  • NorthBridge works with its clients to formulate and evaluate investment and operational strategies to satisfy climate-related goals and obligations.

“Utility of the Future” Strategy

  • NorthBridge advises utilities on “utility of the future” strategies to transform the electricity system into one that can deliver value from increasing distributed energy resource (DER) integration and that can best position the utility to satisfy customers' evolving needs and characteristics.
  • In these efforts, NorthBridge assesses the capabilities and impacts of emerging technologies, assists with the formulation and evaluation of compensation structures and programs, and identifies and evaluates opportunities for new customer services.

Distributed Energy Resource and Electrification Strategy

  • NorthBridge helps its utility clients develop strategies and programs with respect to the growth of electric vehicles (EV), solar, storage, and other technologies, including advising on associated rate design approaches.
  • NorthBridge creates and negotiates earnings adjustment mechanisms to provide utilities with incentives to meet greenhouse gas reduction, DER, EV, and energy efficiency targets.
  • NorthBridge develops cost-benefit approaches to evaluate, support, and/or refute the value proposition of various initiatives that leverage emerging technologies.

Wholesale and Retail Portfolio Strategy and Risk Management

  • Leveraging its proprietary market models in conjunction with its extensive industry expertise, NorthBridge provides extensive services pertaining to asset and business valuation, commodity risk exposure measurement, and associated portfolio strategy decision-making.
  • NorthBridge assists clients with strategies to offer their resources into electricity capacity auctions, including modeling the relevant capacity markets.
  • NorthBridge has helped develop retail access programs that address the timing and scope of customer choice, stranded cost recovery, supplier requirements, and program administration, and it assists utilities and competitive retail suppliers with matters pertinent to the evolution of the competitive retail market.
  • NorthBridge assists clients in assessing the costs and benefits of joining a regional transmission organization (RTO).

Wholesale Market Design

  • NorthBridge has provided expert consulting services in the development, expansion, and reform of U.S. regional wholesale markets for electricity, including markets for energy, ancillary services, transmission rights, and generating capacity.
  • NorthBridge has assessed the potential risks and financial implications of various aspects of industry restructuring, including organization of competitive markets, power pool operations, system operator procedures, balancing, and dispatch.
  • NorthBridge helped develop and coordinate the strategy of a transformational initiative to integrate vertically integrated utilities into an RTO, including obtaining necessary state and federal regulatory approvals.

Corporate/Asset Valuation and Mergers & Acquisitions

  • NorthBridge supports merger and acquisition opportunities, including screening for possible acquisition targets and/or partners, evaluating the reasonableness of price offers, providing regulatory and risk assessments for transaction approval, assessing rate implications, determining potential synergy savings and the allocation of such savings between shareholders and customers given jurisdictional precedents, and assisting clients in negotiating settled outcomes among stakeholders for transaction approval by state regulators.
  • NorthBridge helps companies with the purchase and divestiture of generating assets and contracts, including drafting regulatory frameworks for the process, producing marketing materials and participating in management presentations, developing and negotiating power purchase agreements, and evaluating offers and the related impacts on client risk exposure and customer rates.

Rate Design, Incentives, and Cost Recovery

  • NorthBridge assists utilities with rate design and cost recovery strategies, including developing creative approaches for potential rate and revenue structures, evaluating the financial impacts, and assessing political feasibility.
  • NorthBridge provides extensive services with respect to default service / standard offer service design and evaluation.
  • NorthBridge also supports these efforts by aiding in stakeholder negotiations and sponsoring expert testimony.

Market Forecasting

  • NorthBridge provides deterministic and stochastic market forecasting services for its clients to improve strategic decision making and better anticipate potential market developments.

Legislative and Regulatory Strategy

  • NorthBridge has decades of experience in regulatory proceedings and legislative sessions, and it is a valuable partner to its clients in formulating legislative and regulatory strategy and representing its clients in these forums.

Expert Testimony

  • NorthBridge's experts have sponsored extensive expert testimony related to its practice areas at both the federal level and in numerous state proceedings, and it continues to provide such services to its clients to best ensure successful approvals of plans to maximize client and societal value.